App Projects


Take notes to the next level.


Outdo your to-do today.


Search God's Word His way.

GitHub Projects

Checkpoint (HTML + VB, UWP):

A to-do list written in HTML and supported with VB.

Crossoff (VB, UWP):

A to-do list written in VB.

Crystal (VB, UWP):

An OCR scanner written in VB.

Deborah (VB, WinForms):

A multi-tabbed text editor written in VB; also named after the female Biblical judge, Deborah.

Eyris (VB, UWP):

A photo and video recording app written in VB.

Fountain (VB, UWP):

A word processor written in VB.

Holiday Countdown (VB, WinForms):

A holiday countdown written in VB.

Lightbrowse (VB, WinForms):

A browser written in VB.

Lord's Prayer (VB, WinForms):

An app containing the model prayer Jesus prayed (cf. Matthew 6:10-13), written in VB.

Owander (VB, UWP):

A browser written in VB.

PostPad (VB, UWP):

A note-taking application written in VB.

Prudence (VB, WinForms):

A to-do list written in VB.

Psalms (VB, UWP):

A music player written in VB ; also based upon the biblical genre of music and worship.

Rembrandt (VB, UWP):

A drawing app written in VB; also named after the famous artist Rembrandt.

Smarticalc (HTML + VB, UWP):

A calculator written mostly in HTML and supported through VB.
