Church-Talk: Prepare for War

By Trevor McFadden

Published 2/22/2022 (Updated 5/22/2022)

This is Part 2 of 2 of "Church-Talk"

There was a time in the West where Christianity was generally embraced. During the Civil War and Cold-War eras, Western countries like America intertwined national pride and the Christian faith to encourage both their citizens and troops to trust in God. In fact, the US Department of Treasury has a whole piece as to why the saying "In God We Trust" was put onto US Mint and coinage. Not only did countries like America embrace God out of religious fervor, but they also embraced God out of fear for what would happen. Anti-god regimes like the USSR or the Triple-Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, and Japan) raised their fist against God, resulting in tyranny and true oppression.

So much has changed, however. In the America alone, there exists an overall downward trend in Christianity. Rather than being supported by many Americans, Christianity is seen as an enemy, one that disrupts personal freedom. In supposedly-free countries like Finland, two Christians are being put on trial for including their Christian beliefs in medical publications. And in harmless counties like Canada, pastors and Christians there are experiencing more pressure than ever from the government to put up or shut up with their country's COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

This should not come as a surprise, however. Christianity is a threat to the world. We can go to the book of Acts to read about Stephen's challenge to the Jewish leaders (Acts 6:8-7:60). We can go to the book of Revelation to read about the seven-headed beast that represents all governmental systems (Revelation 13). Church, it's time for war. We must go to war against the evil in our nation. No longer can we shout at the evil or ignore it altogether -- we must go in an fight against it using the light of the Gospel. Especially us in the American church, we have got to snap out of the false reality that the government is our friend. Too long have American Christians been lulled to sleep by the mingling of church and state. Too long have American Christians put their hope in their government instead of their God. Too long have the American church treated the American government as some sort of 'buddy' or 'friend'. The government is a backstabbing, manipulative, murderous monster that only belongs in the pit of Hell, literally (cf. Revelation 20:10). The government hides itself in great wealth or prosperity, but in reality is a beast which seeks to kill every Christian possible. Look at Rome. Look at the Ottoman Empire. Look at the USSR. These are all examples of past governments which killed Christians for their faith in Jesus. The government is not to be trusted, and as a church in America, we must suit up for spiritual warfare against these entities. The time is coming now when we Christians can no more sit idle. The persecution has only begun, and it will continue to get worse.

To end, we must again remember Paul's words to the Ephesian church: "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12, WEB). Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but rather against wicked governmental leaders and ultimately against Satan. We must stand and fight for the Gospel, especially here on home soil.