Church-Talk: The War on Abortion is Far from Over

By Trevor McFadden

Published 1/21/2022 (Updated 6/24/2022)

This is Part 1 of 2 of "Church-Talk"

The year 1973 held plenty of ground-breaking news. Famed artist Pablo Picasso died, as did the famed martial artist Bruce Lee. The World Trade Center opened, and a little-known band named Queen would release their debut album titled Queen. However, on January 22, 1973, a new US Supreme Court ruling forever changed the landscape of culture in America. Actually, it didn't just change the landscape, but also proved itself to be a symptom of a much more sinister issue. The ruling, of course, is Roe v. Wade, the infamous ruling which ruled against Indiana's Wade County in prohibiting abortion and gave women the freedom to abort their 'unwanted' children. Under the guise of "women's health," Roe v. Wade has destroyed much of morality in America as well as taken so many potential lives too early. And since Roe v. Wade, there have been millions of potential lives lost due to abortion. LifeNews estimates that since Roe, over 63 million babies have been aborted in the US alone. That is correct, over 63 million individuals who could have been pastors, doctors, inventors, innovators, entrepreneurs, activists, change-makers, leaders, law enforcement, first responders, scientists, gamers, musicians, teachers, professors, presidents, governors, lawyers, biologists, and many other professions. For 49 years, the shackles of Roe have enslaved young mothers by deceiving them to live a better, happier life if they give up their child. For 49 years, Roe has murdered over 63 million babies by clinically ripping them from the womb and throwing them away. For 49 years, abortion clinics have created grief and sorrow for mothers who immediately regret their decision to abort. For 49 years, Christians, churches, singers, actors, and millions of pro-life activists have fought tooth-and-nail against Roe and even more so against the evil of abortion. But, thanks to the pending Dobbs v. Jackson case, Roe v. Wade has the potential to be overturned. And while the Supreme Court has yet to officially decide, the signs point to Dobbs v. Jackson being upheld. If Dobbs is upheld, then this will mark the end of Roe. After 49 long and tiresome years, the horrible Roe ruling is going to be overturned by the Supreme Court. The same location where the horrid Jim Crow laws died is going to be the same place where Roe dies. The pro-life momentum that has moved during the last 49 years against abortion is finally paying off, as Roe is on the verge of dying off.

However, don't be fooled. Just because Dobbs will (most likely, at the time of this writing) stand does not mean the war on abortion is over. In fact, far from it. Certainly, the war on abortion is still active, and Christians today still have the task of sharing the light of the Gospel to fight off the darkness. Momentum-wise, the pro-life movement has increased, but so has opposition to it. Though it would seem that the fight is over, it really has just begun. Evilness and wickedness will increase, and the fight to end abortion will become more challenging. Mothers seeking to have an abortion will use loopholes or contraceptives to abort their 'unwanted' child. In order to stop abortion completely, Christians must stop the culture behind abortion. To end, we must remember Paul's words to the Ephesian church: "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world’s rulers of the darkness of this age, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12, WEB).

Update: Roe v. Wade has been officially overturned and will not see fifty years.