Forward in Jesus: But (Part 2 of 3)

By Trevor McFadden

Published 3/31/2023

After several minutes of watching and waiting, the Judge finally speaks. With His steely gaze still set upon you, the Judge asks you, "Do you have an attorney present or anyone who may advocate for you?" Scanning the crowd, you see no such person and shake your head in response. "No, Your Honor," you mumble, feeling weak to the bone. "I have no advocate, no defender. I have nobody." You can feel your voice breaking up as tears roll down your cheeks and onto your shirt.

The Judge, turning His attention toward the packed courtroom, asks once again, "Is there anyone willing to defend this man? Will anyone intercede for him or speak up for him?"

Suddenly, mummers and chatters start in the otherwise-quiet courtroom. "Your Honor," one weaselly lawyer asks. "If this man has no one to intercede for him, then that must mean he is clearly guilty of all the said charges, since no one is willing to speak in his defense." Holding up his finger, the lawyer continued, "And if there is overwhelming evidence of this man's guiltiness, should this not be the grounds for prosecution? I say, if the evidence says he is guilty, then let him be guilty!"

"That's enough!" The Judge roars. "I simply asked if there was an intercessor for this man, not for a verdict." Glaring at the weaselly attorney, the Judge added, "I know full well what the verdict is." Then, the Judge pauses for several more minutes and stares down at His desk in deep thought. The courtroom, frustrated and flustered, murmurs even more. News outlets and reporters begin to tire. Spectators glued to their TVs moan. The biggest trial of the century, and the Judge still refuses to prosecute! As minutes go by, the murmurs turn into hushed fuming sentiments. "He's guilty, isn't he!? What's wrong with the Judge!?" The boiling anger of the trial then turns from the accused to the One judging the accused. 

Another minute goes by. "What are You waiting for!? Prosecute him!" one shouts.

Another minute. "I can't wait to give the Judge a piece of my mind!" another fumes.

Yet another minute passes. "Dumb Judge, how'd You pass the Bar Exam?" Yet another scathingly asks.

"Weak Judge! Prosecute him!"

"Order! Order!" The Judge shouted, slamming His gavel down. "You will respect My decision and Me, regardless of what you think." Then, the Judge calmed down and lowered His voice to that of a professional tone. "After careful consideration, I have determined what I must do." Suddenly, all the Judge's critics shut up, sat up straight, and listened intently to each word the Judge had to say. Cameramen and news reporters watched and waited for the Judge to give the verdict.

The air is thick with suspense.

"After reviewing evidence from the jury, listening to the eyewitness accounts of multiple witnesses, and examining the case thoroughly with due process," the Judge stated, "I hereby announce and declare that on this day [Your full name] is -- " The Judge takes a deep breath in and says the final verdict with such unequivocal forcefulness -- "guilty of all the said charges." He slams His gavel down to confirm the verdict.

The courtroom erupts in joy and shouting. This man, this horrible, cursed man, has finally been convicted and judged for his actions. Within seconds, headlines and ticker tapes read in bold, triumphant letters: BREAKING NEWS: [YOUR NAME] FOUND GUILTY OF ALL CHARGES.

You hang your head in shame as your accusers parade outside -- and inside -- the courtroom. "G-U-I, L-T-Y, I really hope that you die!" your accusers sing as they file out of the courtroom. Guards walk over with a pair of handcuffs, strapping the cold metal rings to your wrists.

Clink. Clink.

Game over, you think to yourself. I really am getting what I deserve. I did horrible things, said horrible things, and thought horrible things. And now, I am getting my due penalty. I am a wretched person! Oh, what a wretched person I am!



What will happen next?

For any new believer in Jesus, life after salvation can be somewhat difficult. You have been saved and...then what do you do? The pastor recommends taking a class or reading a book, but if you're honest with yourself, you're not comfortable with either. So what's next? This blog series, Forward in Jesus, is designed to help you take practical next steps toward the heart of God.