Why Do You Hate Me?

By Trevor McFadden

Published 4/14/2021

I am not one to speak about ethnicity often, but I really have no choice. The past several months have been fueled with nonstop talk about race and ethnicity, critical race theory and whatnot. Since the George Floyd riots and the other riots that have followed, there has been a lot of backlash against people who are White or lighter-skinned. Automatically, from birth, there is an assigned privilege just because one is born White...supposedly, according to the critical race theorists.

I suppose I should just get to the point: I am sick and I am tired of all the hate against White people. And I won't be silent any longer.

Hear me out. I am in no way a White supremist. In fact, I abhor White supremacy and I abhor the KKK. Shame on them for what they have done. But I feel that, in America, there has been a lot of hate and bitterness has been against people who are White. What does it matter if someone is of a lighter skin color than you? What does it matter if they are White? I understand there are real ethnic issues. I understand and am aware of the ethnical disparities in America. But it does not warrant labeling or calling people who are White names. Labeling someone who is born White as someone who has 'privilege' is wrong, and I have to speak out on this. Far too long have I sat on the sidelines and scrolled through the news seeing the effects of leaders and others demoralizing people who are White; there has to be something done. Far too long have I seen the effects of demoralizing people go run rampant. Have people lost common sense and respect for others? Have people lost their minds?

The answer is, unfortunately, yes.

Racism is racism, no matter who it is against, and right now, there is so much racism against people who are White. It is an alarming epidemic which has seen a sharp increase over the span of a year. Slight microaggressions against people who are White have pretty much existed within the last 20 years, but the hatred of White people has nonetheless skyrocketed ever since the whole George Floyd debacle. People who are White and have blonde hair, for instance, are portrayed as 'airheads'. People who are White who live in the country are portrayed as 'hicks'. People who are White, period, are depicted to have some magical privilege over others. People who are White are automatically blamed for negative events, whether past or current. People who are White are the end of jokes.


To be clear, I am very familiar in U.S. History. I know what happened in the South and how there were abusive White slaveowners. I still 110% believe that slavery is an abomination. If we go a little further in time, we also see that people of a different skin color (namely, African-Americans) were treated horribly by those who were White. But modern 'woke' people somehow connect abusive White slaveowners to people who are born White. 'Woke' people associate what happened during the early 1900's with people who are White now. And that, ironically, is slavery -- you're chaining a person to a crime they didn't commit, but people of their skin color did. This isn't a partisan issue, it's a heart issue. Until the heart issue is resolved, hate against White people is still going to exist.

Let me share a very depressing statistic I learned from a psychology textbook. According to Myers' Introduction to Psychology, people who are White are twice as likely to commit suicide than people of other skin color. Chew on this for a while. Social justice warriors seem to overlook this factoid, but I would say that part of the statistic is due to people White-shaming and hating those that are White. I'm not in any way suggesting White supremacy, because that is also a flawed ideology. But, what I am suggesting is that people treat each other with respect. And before you cast judgement on people who are White, remember this statistic.

With all that is going on in this world, I am reminded of the Dr. Seuss story The Sneeches. In this story (which I believe many of you are familiar with), there is a constant one-upmanship that occurs between the Sneeches. Those that have the yellow star look down upon those who don't. Those who don't have the yellow star on their bellies then look down on those who do. Unfortunately, I see this play out in society. For a little while, it was people who were White looking down upon those who were of a different skin color. Seventy years ago, there was absolute injustice. But now the pendulum has swung the other way, to where people who are White are looked down upon, hated, called names, pressured to give up their ethnic identity, and socially sucker-punched by those who are of a different skin color. If you're White, you are dirty. If you're White, you are rich. If you're White, you must be the cause of suffering in the world.

The envelope has been pushed, but it's not long before the envelope pushes back. Stop with White hate. Just like it's not okay to hate people who are Native American, African-American, Asian, Hispanic, or Latino, it is also not okay to hate people who are White. We should love people all the same. Everyone is created in the imago Dei, the image of God, which means everyone (White people included) deserves the same amount respect. It's never okay to chain someone to a crime they didn't commit based upon their skin color.